Friday, August 14, 2015

Arthur Blessitt Carries Cross to Every Country

First off, this guy has a cool name. I heard about him on Joel Osteen. Arthur Blessitt, 74, has carried on foot a 12-foot cross for Jesus to every country on earth since Dec. 25, 1969. Through wars, deserts, jungles--over 41,323 miles. The Guinness Book of World Records lists this as The World’s Longest Walk. This modern day pilgrim has faced a firing squad in Nicaragua, was almost stoned in Morocco, attacked by police in Spain, almost choked in Hollywood, survived a pistol attack in Florida and a man in Indiana tried to burn the cross. He has been arrested 24 times, been through 54 countries at war, fasted 40 days, run for President of the United States from 1974 to 1976  and has walked with 70,000 people across Poland. Billy Graham has walked with him, Pope John Paul II has welcomed him to Rome, Yasser Arafat has welcomed him to Beirut and he has slept in Prime Minister Begin's house in Israel. 

He said his wife Denise and he are but simple servant followers of Jesus. They pray for peace on earth, love in every heart and God's blessings upon all people.

In the 60s, he was ministering to hippies, Hell's Angels, runaways, addicts, prostitutes, flower children and would-be actors, dubbed the minister of Sunset Strip.

As a boy, his father managed a cotton farm in Northeast Louisiana near Oak Grove down the road from a tiny community he called Goodwill. Sometimes Arthur would drift with the water that was to be brought to the workers. His dad fussed. Arthur heard Jesus say to obey his dad and to realize that Jesus was training him to hear his voice and obey him so he would be able to go where Jesus was leading him.

At every step of Arthur's journey, the Lord showed which road to take, when to start walking, when to stop, when to drive and when to park.  He said it all begins with small, simple steps.

Traveling to Saudi Arabia with a cross is harder than carrying buckets of water in cotton fields, he said. The cross has a wheel because it would lose wood. They have varied from 110 pounds to 45 pounds.

It began when Jesus spoke to Arthur, not in an audible voice, but in his heart and mind. He said, “I want you to take the cross that is hanging on the wall in His Place and carry it across America.” The joy of the Lord washed over Arthur like ocean waves. Then the Lord spoke more. “I want you to take the cross onto the roadsides and streets to identify my message in the streets with the common man. I am going to put the gospel on television, on the radio, by your walking. I want you to bear witness to my life and my love, proclaim my peace in the streets.”

Soon afterward, 28-year-old Arthur was lying in a hospital bed and heard a doctor proclaim that he had an aneurysm and needed immediate surgery. Sometimes he became numb on much of the right side of his body.  This time a stroke had landed him in the hospital, leading to a battery of tests. However, he decided that he would rather die in the will of God than live outside of it. If he carried the cross, he would be at peace whether he lived or died. But if he stayed home, he knew he would rot inside from a mixture of doubt, fear and the knowledge that he had refused the call of God. Faith and reason had wrestled in his heart. Faith won and he would never look back.

Three conditions Arthur mentioned when walking were exhaustion, heat and traffic. He has survived auto crashes, snakes, baboons, elephants and crocodiles. He's slept in hammocks. The roadsides were littered with bottles, rocks, sticks and rubble. He learned that when you stumble on life's roadways, you want to fall into the arms of Jesus, not away from him. Fall into grace and love.

Arthur has found the cross to be a universal symbol of God's love that breaks down the barriers of language and culture. He witnessed people feeling the presence of the Lord. He says he is not holy or that the cross is, but the hand of God is upon the walk and people experience His glory as word spreads about it.

My favorite story was when he was in South Africa. He saw a man with no eyeballs. The man touched the cross in a tender and loving way from top to bottom. It was so moving that the entire audience wept. This blind man brought passion and freshness to the meaning of the cross. The man without eyes saw things most people are blind to. It was obvious whom he trusted. This man had already chosen to follow Jesus and he lived in the safety of his embrace.

Another woman was taking her last run before planning to drown herself in the sea until she saw the cross. Arthur said he will never forget what she then said: “Now I have life.”

In 1984, he was in Midland, Texas, and wrote in his journal: "A good and powerful day. Led Vice President Bush's son to Jesus today. George Bush Jr. This is great. Glory to God." He was preaching and W. was there. They spoke by phone some afterwards and saw each other in 1999 at a campaign fundraiser and prayed together like they had before.

He once told Jimmy Carter he needed to be up front about his faith in Jesus. Shortly after the Florida primary, Carter came around and said he was born again. Arthur was in Africa when he got a message from the Lord to run for President himself.  He believes his running had an impact on proving that voters want to know what candidates believe in their hearts about God. Are they followers of Jesus?  Do they try to apply the values of their faith in decisions?  Arthur did get one percent of the primary vote in Florida and New Hampshire, by the way.

Arthur met the South African ambassador who said his most treasured gift was a straw donkey because that is what our Savior rode in on. A lot of people talk about being upwardly mobile, but that day he and the ambassador could see that God wants servants to be downwardly mobile.

He said he always gave it his best in carrying the cross. He kept his shoulders back, head up, made eye contact and smiled.

Other highlights: God will deal justly with each person. If you hold on to tormenting words or deeds, it will destroy you.

Every time Arthur eats or drinks he says, "If there is anything in my body that should not be there, cleanse it. If there is anything I need that is not there, put it in and make everything work perfectly in Jesus' name."

I learned the word handi-capable.

Arthur lives in Littleton, Colo. He still carries the cross on special crosswalks in the U. S. and around the world. He has no problems with his feet, legs or back and no pain anywhere. He has seven children and 11 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. His children have shared in the crosswalks in many nations.

Interesting facts:


Longest walk in a day - 72 miles in 24 hours (with help); 47 miles (alone)


Most apt country to be arrested in - USA


Most angry toward the cross - Amsterdam, Holland and Tetouan, Morocco


Greatest welcome to the cross - Papua New Guinea, Poland, Spain, India, Lithuania, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Guatemala & West Africa


Worst poverty - Chad; Mozambique, Djibouti, Ethiopia, India and Bangladesh


Most beautiful views - Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya/Tanzania; Mount Cameroon, Africa; Mount of Olives facing Jerusalem; Sea of Galilee, looking toward Mount Hermon; Mount Sinai; Norwegian Coastline; Antigua; Guatemala; a Swiss valley with lake and mountains beyond Tierra del Fuego (Chile); Penguins nesting in Antarctica; Icebergs in Greenland, and Bronzal Pass in the Hindu Kush - Pakistan-Afghanistan


Most beautiful City - Jerusalem


A few historical places and moments with the cross - Washington, D.C. 1970, 1980; Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany; the Coliseum in Rome; The Pantheon in Athens, Greece; the pyramids of Egypt; Cebu City in the Philippines at Magellan's Cross; carrying the cross across the Panama and Suez Canals; the cross at the top of the world's biggest pyramid in Cholula, Mexico; October 31, 1987 Hollywood, CA completed the distance around the world at the equator 24,901.55 miles; China Wall and Red Square, Moscow; Cross above the walls of Babylon; North Korea; Completed every nation and major island group June 13, 2008 Zanzibar in Indian Ocean; Cross carried back to Hollywood to Grauman's Chinese Theatre for the premiere of the movie "The Cross"; Lifting the cross up at second base at Yankee Stadium, New York in front of 40,000 people.


Highest mountain climbed with the cross - Mount Fuji, Japan (12,388 ft) Bronzal Pass, Pakistan-Afghanistan border (18,200 ft - 5,547 M.)


Deepest into the earth cross carried - Carlsbad New Mexico (850 feet)


Lowest point below sea level cross carried - Dead Sea (1,200 feet)


Worst cold weather - Golan Heights, Syria-Israel; Rome to Assisi, Italy; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Antarctica and Baltic Republics


Hottest temperature - Jordan Valley; Chad; Yemen, Iraq & Djibouti (135 degrees plus)


Coldest temperature - 20 degrees below in Nova Scotia, Canada


Worst food - Squid in ink in Spain, monkey leg in Africa, rat soup in Belize. He has eaten iguana meat and eggs and fish eye balls.


Best food - Freshwater shrimp in El Salvador and fresh salmon in Finland


Cross stolen - Christmas Day 1979, Assisi, Italy


Best road pets - El Salvador del Mundo (parrot), Central America; Basco (rabbit), Spain; Belfast (dog), Northern Ireland; Loretta (parrot) South Africa - USA; HRH Windsor (dog) U.S.


Biggest animal scares - Green Mamba snake in Ghana; baboon attack in Kenya; elephant chase in Tanzania; crocodile attack in Zimbabwe


Number of people prayed for, blessed or saved at the Cross - Many millions but only God knows


Worst jail - Concord, New Hampshire


Biggest crowd preached to: Half a million, Atlanta Rock Festival, 1970; Washington for Jesus Rally, half a million, 1980






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