Tuesday, May 16, 2023

I Am A Money Magnet


I am a money magnet. I like money and money likes me. I attract money. I attract money 24 hours a day. I earn bountiful amounts of money. I wisely know how to create money. I know that I will always have more money in my future than I do now. The money I create keeps multiplying, duplicating and replenishing itself. I am forever enjoying more and more money. I have infinite money, more than enough for my every want and need. I cheerfully save money. I faithfully save 10 percent of all the money I earn. I wisely invest my money. I see my money re-creating itself effortlessly. I cheerfully give money to good and worthy causes and philanthropies that make a lasting and ongoing difference. Money rushes to me in every form and fashion. I have lots and lots of money. I have money in my mind, my future, in my pocket, in my wallet, in my safe, in my bank accounts, in my business, in my investments, and wherever it keeps growing. I enjoy money and money enjoys me. Money and all its equivalents are attracted to me. Money is forever making me infinitely better off. All that I do creates surplus, abundance and plenty for myself and everyone else. (I live in Moneyville). The One Minute Millionaire

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